
Different life stages bring their own unique lifestyle, physiological and nutritional challenges. Our programs are developed to meet nutritional needs of active individuals from all seasons of life:

Performance nutrition to suit specific seasons of life

Different life stages bring their own unique lifestyle, physiological and nutritional challenges. Our programs are developed to meet nutritional needs of active individuals from all seasons of life:

  • Young/primary school athletes Nutrition for growth and development of young athletes is key. Fostering a healthy relationship with food and their bodies while also making sure that children eat a wide variety of healthy food is key to setting a child up for success in their teens and adult years.
  • Adolescent/high school athletes Nutritional behaviours during adolescence lay the foundation for health as an adult. During the high school years, athletes face many unique changes like hormonal changes, body changes and changes in food preferences and habits. Our programs aim to support high school athletes during these critical years and provide them with the tools and resources they need to thrive in the years to come, whether that is in a university environment or work environment.
  • Student/university athletes With a full load of classes, changes in environment, and (in many cases) challenges like having to cook for yourself or having healthy meals in a dorm/hostel environment, having a healthy diet as a student can be a struggle.
    Our programs for student-athletes aim to make healthy habit changes easy, affordable, and seamless to fit into a hectic schedule. Our software and systems allow our dietitian to integrate a personalized nutrition plan into a student’s day to day life so that they have the mental bandwidth and time to focus on their training, studying and social life.
  • Senior athletes Senior athletes are athletes that are not necessarily students anymore and do not fall into the older “Masters” category. Our nutrition programmes can be tailored to meet the needs of elite athletes, working individuals or weekend warriors looking to optimize health and performance.
  • Masters’ athletes Older athletes may encounter a unique set of challenges, like menopause, chronic diseases, sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) and life changes. Having nutritional support to navigate these challenges can help master’s athletes perform at their peak ability, enjoy sport, and have a good overall quality of life.